wildythomas: coder, animator & kickstarted the vs bob project.

phloxio: original concept, mod helper and asset maker of the bob mod.Tsuraran: Did almost everything of the SSN mod.You can always download the full mod for your fast desktop PC on GB.LeafyTheFoliage: For being an epic fren.Aight!: Did the skin and the custom song and covers.Make sure to support mod creators on their social media by subscribing, following, liking, etc. So I thought, why not just make one myself!” – Aight! Songs: And it’s c a n o n I tried searching for a mod related to that, but no results really came in. “It all started when I looked at the Salty’s Sunday Night wiki page, I noticed that Bob was actually Opheebop’s boyfriend. A mod of Friday Night Funkin and Salty’s Sunday Night where Bob sing and dance battle against his girlfriend Opheebop.